Error Code: | |
Error Message: | |
Address Line 1: | |
Address Line 2: | |
Number: | |
Street Predirection: | |
Street Name: | |
Street Suffix: | |
Street Postdirection: | |
Secondary Abbreviation: | |
Secondary Number: | |
Secondary Validated: | |
City: | |
State: | |
ZIP: | |
ZIP4: | |
USPS Carrier Route: | |
County: | |
State FP: | |
County FP: | |
Census Tract: | |
Census Block: | |
Latitude: | |
Longitude: | |
Geocoding Precision: | |
Time Zone: | |
DST Observed: | |
Place FP: | |
City Municipality: | |
Sales Tax Rate, %: | |
Sales Tax Jurisdiction: |
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please enter your YAddress User Key.
If you do not remember it, login to your YAddress account.
If you do not have an account, sign up now.
Corrects thousands of typos, misspellings, common abbreviations and other text entry errors in postal addresses.
Returned address is known to represent a valid location. If not, you get an error code.
Every address is presented in the USPS standard format, suitable for mailing and direct string comparison of addresses.
Returns latitude and longitude of the address" location on the map with precision to the exact building.
Find exact local sales tax rate on the level of individual address, ZIP code, or city, and which jurisdiction imposes it.
Returns many other data fields such as FIPS codes for state and county, US Census Bureau tract and block, time zone, and many more. See Web API for details.
Make YAddress calls directly from SQL queries and stored procedures. Or incorporate YAddress into your SSIS ETL packages.
Learn more about SQL Server integration...In Microsoft Excel, you can use YAddress to validate postal addresses directly in your spreadsheet.
Follow this tutorial to learn how to install and use YAddress add-in for Excel.
See YAddress Tutorial for Excel...